take what you want, give nothing back
let me know if any details are off; i tried to keep it vague. :3


Trent had left the hotel today, looking for... Well, he wasn't sure what he was looking for. All he knew was that he couldn't just sit in the near-empty room staring at the walls all day. In his optime form, in which Trent was already beginning to feel slightly more comfortable, the coywolf started to make his way outside and through Cour des Miracles' lands.

He wasn't entirely sure where he was by the time he saw more of the 'building' sort that Caspa had told him about. Trent had only ever lived in his parents' pack, which had been filled with wolves. Nothing more, and thus his rules of privacy were restricted only to physical privacy. He knew nothing about the privacy of a home, and so it was without reluctance that Trent approached one of the buildings. Head turned left to right as he sniffed the air, picking up vaguely the scent of others of his pack.

Since he was unaware that it might be unappreciated, Trent entered the building with no further reluctance. Large ears perked forth as he studied the room, which looked neat and organised. And there was so much stuff. Trent didn't know that luperci tended to gather items around them, although he remembered Sebastian's items. The jeans. He wanted jeans. He wanted items.

Completely lacking any sort of manners, and unaware of the proper etiquette when handling other peoples' stuff, Trent moved through the house looking for something cool. Jeans, maybe, or other shinies.


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