it's like that

Jacinto was thoughtful for a moment about the things Columbine had said. But he didn't quite feel like saying them in fear of insulting Omni. "Nah. It's alright, don't you worry." Jacinto smiled down at her, tousling her hair ever so softly. She retorted about his comment about her beauty and him not having any, he frowned as she said it, but knew she was sincere.

The man's breath hitched as she pulled him to the bed a little more forcibly, he didn't mind. The russet mascu couldn't help the feelings grow within him as she did it. But things seemed to go in a heartbeat. They lay together afterwards panting quietly and holding eachother close."I love you too. I just wish others would realize that." He kissed her head many times before settling down more as she seemed to move closer to his core. It was pleasant, knowing that he was loved and still emit those feelings to another being. His fingers gently massaged th"What do you want to do today?" Bringing his muzzle to her neck through her shoulders.


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