[M] When Shadows Lurk
(Put a M on this just in case >w<)

It wasn’t the proper time for that little spark of desire within her to become ignited, yet she could feel the need pooling just by being close to him. With unbridled fascination, the elegant female parried away any doubts that lingered in the cage that held her heart. Trails that were stitched into her memory forwarded in her mind. The way to her mother's grave, the path to New Dawn – all of it once forgotten. Red strings began to pull her in the directions only for her to struggle forward and break from the bonds that tied her down. She was no longer that spoiled child, no longer pure and untainted by the experiences of the outside. The gods had eased her down into the place of gathering, the pews waiting to be filled, while two single souls stood in the center. A lovely girl of fine silks stood close, exotic and fascinating to the eye, not bland and tasteless while an unmoving preacher of endless wisdom was still. "The mountains are a sanctuary. Even in the darkest hour, they pierce through the clouds to provide a ray of hope from the heavens. They took me in when I had no where else to go. My leaders hate coyotes though, and since I am a half breed, they were hesitant towards me.." her voice trailed off.

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