The difference between you and me
Aylu stared at the white woman in front of him. She was a proud woman and she approached him with a calm serious demeanor. Kiara Amarok. "Hello Kiara Amarok of Ichika. I am Aylu. A humble monk that is just passing though. I happen to come across the body of a grey woman and I couldn't leave her poor scarred soul to the birds and scavengers. She looked like she had been though enough. I had planned to move on but I thought I should pray for her," he said sitting back down at his small tent. He looked at the necklace in his hands and thought about the grey woman. Who was she? Maybe Kiara knew.

He looked back at the woman and smiled. [color=teal]"I didn't mean any harm to your pups. I happen to have saved a one Dalgina recently. Do you know her? She wanted to touch the.... what was the word.... Tonena..... Tochina. She wanted to touch the Tochina,"
he said with a laugh. She had been a curious pup and he wondered how she was doing. Aylu looked at Kiara's pups and smiled. Her son was a rebellious one. She would have to watch out for him.

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