A Fine Kettle of Fish
Caprica turned her head to lie sideways on the ice, looking out over the deep purple wine stain. She watched it flowing across the sheer surface with a rather sombre expression, and then felt a touch on her cheek, heard a familiar voice. She lay unmoving for another moment, only turning her head to look at Neela with a pained grimace. Then she couldn't hold it, and her face split into raucous giggles. "You saw nothing," she told the collie as she pushed herself up onto her elbows. "Hi, Neela. Good to see ya! Been here long?" Caprica was certain she wasn't going to make it onto her feet without performing some kind of similar stunt - plus, quite a few portions of her anatomy were beginning to ache. She wanted to delay a little and gather her wits before trying to get back to shore.

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