Regarding Ichika no Ho-En
Although i'm not currently a member of InH i did have a character there so i just wanna say this.

From my understanding it's not as if all the specialized ranks are disappearing; they are simply being made into co-ranks. And by having these specialized positions as co-ranks i personally think it allows room for MORE specific roles and allows for members who have specialized skills to earn and work for and use the skills they have. I actually think changing the specific ranks to co-ranks will allow for more IC involvement in the chosen role and that itself can only be a good thing :3

Self defense, well most canines already know some combat skills or another and considering the more military style packs surrounding InH i see it as a good idea to teach members to defend themselves alittle. It's not going to hurt, it's basic self defense; heck, realistically i feel most characters should have some form of protecting themselves and this offers a chance for your character to both learn and expand upon skills and no doubt if it's a players personal wish to have their character defenseless then i'm sure the lovely Zyn will make an exception or work with you and your ideas for your character.

It's a fact that Leaders have changed and the proposed changes listed above are subtle and can only benefit the pack. As did combining DdM and Pv benefit most members and thus created InH i can only see these slight changes benefiting the pack without taking anything away and allowing room for further growth as a pack.

Or well, those are my thoughts atleast (:

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