Regarding Ichika no Ho-En
After pondering over this idea of changing InH, I have considered a few things. For one, I feel this should be posted here for all to read, as is your responses. After all, this concerns all of us and to keep it in PM would be keeping others in the dark.

To be honest, I am not against change, for one, with no change there is stagnation, however, considering the structure of InH, I must ask why. InH is not even a year old yet. InH is still a new pack, still in it's childhood, why not let it have the chance to find out if it will work over the long term. Have there even been any discussion with others to find out if there is a need of changes in the structure or if anyone even wants it to be changed? To me, just to start making changes goes against the original concept of InH of Family. After all, one would not, one day, come home and say to their spouse, "We are tearing down the house and building a new one." Instead the idea would be put forth and discussed.

Some of the ideas, like self defense classes, make sense. I could see basic self defense classes for everyone that would like to partake of them. You never know when one would come across a wolf with nefarious ideas in their head. Plus, it would give the pack a fighting chance in the event of an invasion. And others could continue into advanced self defense if they so choose. Having alliances is not really against the grain, after all, InH is all about peace and would not consider wars or invasions of other packs.

My point is, really, why all the changes suddenly? To me, everything seems to have been operating ok and there is no need of changing the pack structure. At least at this point in time. Maybe explaining the whys of wanting the changes and asking the pack if they feel the same way.

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