A tale for a tale
He smiled warmly at the woman, remembering well their evening of lovemaking. He watched as she took in the sight of his boy strapped to his chest. The little one was sleeping now, lulled to sleep by the movement of his father. A hand lifted unconsciously, as though to reassure himself the little one was still there. "Thank you. He's the oldest of three. His siblings are with their mother." He hesitated, then spoke as if his mate were the other woman in their non-existent relationship. "We met after you and I did..."

He was less assured than when they had been in the bedroom together. Seemed he had a natural lean towards the submissive side when it came to his personality. He was a good authority figure, though, as a protettore of the pack. He glanced at his son, then back to Gemma, the artist inside of him quietly admiring her curves, the tilt of her blue eyes, the way she held herself. There was something fragile and strong about her, and he wished he were more inclined towards painting and the like. He would capture the way the light fell on her shoulders, the glint in her eyes that hinted at her sexual nature under the demure smile.

"He has a lot of his mother in him, though I imagine his eyes will be the dominant Rhiannon eyes. Like mine. Mother's were the same way. His mothers eyes are blue, like yours. Like.." He cut himself off before finishing his sentence. 'Like Lucifer's'.

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