A tale for a tale
In his wonder at discovering more family, he nearly missed the soft words. Even if he had missed the words, her body language screamed what she could barely whisper. "Go away? Not at all, Gemma. You are my sister, my family. This is your nephew. I am thrilled to have another sister, since I never knew Dierdre, my older sister, nor do I know Sora, my little sister. Stay with me for a bit, come meet my mate Sky. Have you met Noah, my brother? Or my mother Deuce?"

His tail began wagging, even as something in the back of his mind whispered to him. Dude. You slept with your sister. He brushed the thought away. He could feel guilty about it later, right now he laid the blame for their lack of knowledge at Lucifer's feet as well. She was kneeling now, he noticed with some distant surprise. He reached out to take her hands if she let him. "I have a sister..." His voice held a note of joy, of pride, of an instant familial bond to the once lover.

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