A tale for a tale

Her breathing hitched quietly as she stared at the floor, so sure of her rejection that there was no doubt within her mind that she would be sent away now. At least Talesin seemed of a nice sort, hopefully he wouldn't hurt her too badly. Not once did it occur to Gemma that in the event of Talesin's violence that she could simply run away. Her mind just didn't work that way, after a lifetime of being owned by first her father and then by various other men after that, with the latest being Matteo and Giuseppe, ownership of herself had immediately been passed on to Talesin from the moment she learned he was family. It hadn't been the same meeting Noah for she already had an owner then but now she was alone and unwanted, it seemed even more so her. She sniffled again waiting for the verdict.

Daring was not an emotion or feeling she possessed much of, despite her forwards attitude towards men, being with men was different to being openly brave for herself and one thing Gemma was not was brave. Not to herself at least. Other's may have looked down upon her with pity or awe, she had survived what had been thrown at her, maybe not completely or undamaged but still, she was alive and breathing. Surprise moved her eyes upwards to meet his, something she would not have normally attempted. She was struck stupid by what he was saying, could it really be true? The one dream that had existed in her life, to find family that wanted her. Had she found it at last.

"Y..yes, I met Noah. He didn't seem to like me much." More examples of rejection, the frown that played around her mouth spoke of this, along with her small shivers, she let him take her hands "I'm not the only one. Y..you have other sisters too. T..three more. B..but they h..hate me. L..lucifer ignored them to focus his e..energy on me." The tortured haunted echo was back in her voice, speaking of old, deep pain and months of suffering.

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