A Chance Encounter
OOC text | WC :: +000

Shadow as his back was to the tree rubbed up against it gently not making any noise and leaving his scent behind and then as he moved from the spot he took the dirt and the leaves and he put them onto his fur rubbing it in lightly masking his scent and very slowly he would lean down and put the dirt and leaves on the ground so as to not make any noise while moving. He watched Terra and with every step she took he took one as well and he matched the timing perfectly so that there was no sound at all. He kept this up until she got to the tree and knocked on it say she had found him. Shadow had worked his way around her and had moved to her back so when she said " I know your there" He spoke into her ear after she spoke and was calm.

Very good...but you can't always rely on your sense of smell. If you were to lose your smell and your sight what then...You would need to use vibration and feel your enemy. Shadow kept the lessons going until night had come and Terra was starting to show some real prowess and improvement. What she didn't know was that when night fell the real test would start.

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
template by revo. <3


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