Twist of Fate
Chills ran through the dog's body as Shadowfang dismissed her darkest secrets as if they were nothing. Such emotions were weakness. Through them Amy could be manipulated, forced into doing things she had no wish for. The assassin held such a weapon against her now, revealing that he knew, and was willing to use it. His words about fighting left no hesitation in Amy. Always, since she'd felt his gaze on her, Amy had wanted to fight him, to find out who was best. This wasn't a battle to the death, no, it was simply a challenge. Taking a pelt Amy gently tugged it over the pups. They whimpered softly, bereft of their mother's warmth, but this battle meant more to her than that.

Amy didn't waste time on showy movements, conserving her energy for the battle. So much of this would be simply waiting, watching for a crack in the opponent's defense for the first strike. A battle of such a level was started even before they would touch each other. Not leaving any part of herself exposed Amy came out of the wagon. In the light of the sun her golden fur shone. She looked more like a lion than a dog, every part of her thick and muscular. Her fangs were long and sharp, perfect for slicing through his flesh. His eyes closed, and Amy swiftly moved to the other side, with the speed of a true assassin. A normal canine wouldn't have even seen the movement, a single blink causing them to miss it. Muscles rippling she waited for the attack.

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