Twist of Fate
Amy stood over the assassin, watching him struggle. There was no further need to attack. He was defeated. She had proven her prowess, her ability to defend and fight for what she needed without the weakness of emotions. She stepped forward slowly, enjoying the image of her opponent, conquered by her movements. Taken in by the act Amy choked out a yelp as he secured her into a headlock, holding her close. Without hands she couldn't easily work free from his grasp. She simply twisted around, her fur bunching with her muscles as she moved.

Forced to meet his eyes Amy couldn't look away, couldn't help but see the raw emotion and care inside there, the kind that she'd always pretended wasn't there. Nuzzled softly Amy didn't know what to think. Did he really, genuinely care for her? His words of being willing to die for her confirmed it as the truth before finally, thankfully releasing her. Amy stood, confusion through her face, before slowly morphing into optime form. You care for me, but that doesn't mean I'm like you. Amy turned, heading back for the wagon where her pups were curled up, a sign of trust that she finally dropped her guard around him.

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