Glad You Came.
OOC text | WC :: +000

Shadow settled down quickly and Whined as he felt that that he had to basically yell, and roar at Insomnia to get her to wake up. His tail lowered as did his head and ears and he kept giving a soft whine sorry for what he did. He sniffed at her and got closer, he placed some licks onto her head and ears trying to ease her fright and let her know he was no threat to her.

Love, I'm sorry....I couldn't get through to you, you were yelling at me and clawing at me. It was as if you didn't know who i was anymore. Please forgive me I didn't want to yell at you. I was just so worried....

Please gods have her forgive me, if I lose the one woman I love then I will have no reason to live and I will end my life for the loss. Please, please have everything be okay. Shadows looked deep into her eyes as he kept his low, sorry and submissive pose wanting only the best for Insomnia and her life. He loved her so much, His life and everything he knew was worth giving up if it meant her safety. Shadow was a beast, but he was a beast in love.

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
template by revo. <3


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