Glad You Came.
His steps were in no way clumsy to her. She liked his dancing, it helped portray who he was, what he was. Not every wolf was graceful, not every wolf was the same. She could tell that he was hesitant, embarrassed even. Insomnia didn’t understand why. This seemed so natural to her, it was almost like she had to dance, if she didn’t then there would be no happiness at all in the world. This was beautiful though. She had years of practicing. The forest creatures were her very first friends, they helped her become who she was, they told her to never stop dreaming because dreams always came true. It might not be in the way you hoped for them, but they came and you couldn’t be picky. Much like falling in love. If you were picky, you would end up alone or not meeting your soul mate because you never gave him a chance.Insomnia had always held onto her dreams, even when she was sure they were about to shatter apart, she held on. It was what brought her to New Dawn. She had met him only once before she ran into him, almost literally. He had cared for her and helped her to get back on her feet. Now they were mates, now they were here under the moon lit sky with flurries fluttering down upon their pelts.

She didn’t know why he was so embarrassed; she didn’t know why he was hesitant. Insomnia couldn’t make him relax and that was key in a dance such as this. If he relaxed he would be able to let that music flow to his head. Wasn’t it programmed in every wolf’s body? It was the music of the wild. Maybe it was only hers, but she had seen only wolves dance, or sing, or do something that was completely natural to them and yet so beautiful. She had sung along with a beautiful voice, in which she had changed her tune to dance to her song. What would make his heart sing and his feel light? She wondered, but she could not open that door for him. The small fem continued to dance while he shuffled around her, continues circles which she wove counter clockwise, though it was slow, deliberate, paws moving but going no where. He whispered those three sweet words that she already heard before, but this time it was different. She knew it was different. “I love you” she whispered back, not wanting to disturb the beauty that they were creating. No one would be able to share this with them. They wouldn’t be able to replicate it if they tried. This would be two souls joining as one. They were wild, free, and they would celebrate life right here under the moon.

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