[M] Back off I'll take you on, headstrong
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


ooc No need to match length. Just went wild, ahhh excitement xD This will be fun Back-dated Feb. 20th WC 804


Ciara at his side the Epsilon took to the trail. The scent of the cougar was faint here, but present, although Terra’s blood trail was much more telling. He ventured carefully here, putting the remainder of his pack mates behind him without another glance. It was his time to shine, he’d already demonstrated his prowess as a hunter, but as a warrior he was yet to prove himself. Rising to defend his Alphess meant little and less to him as no blood was shed or would ever have been shed. Jiva had meant no harm in the first place, but this cougar was out for blood, and Augustus for hers. All was well, he needed an outlet for his rage right now, and would not exercise it on his pack members, although that wasn’t to say he did not want to. Shadow. He growled aloud at the thought of the black male. He’d only ever once seen the man’s equal in size, and it made little and less sense to him, especially here. Augustus’s size was normal for a wolf in the tundra, but to a native Nova Scotian wolf he was a behemoth, and couldn’t help but wonder if the man possessed a mutation to make him outgrow the norm. On second thought, he didn’t care. He would happily deal with him anyway. He was never one to back away from a fight.

His posture was telling now, even as he remained silent beside the yearling. His pelt was ruffled all along his scruff and spine, his lips pulled back into a silent snarl, tail lashing out behind him. The heat of his fury radiated off him like a living furnace, his steps stiff, claws making full indentations in the ground below. He seemed to finally notice Ciara’s presence then, fully notice, and turned towards her, eyes blazing. “We’ll follow the blood trail to its end and go from there.” He growled, before returning to the path. It sprawled out before them an ominous trail of crimson. His pace quickened, his heart racing in his chest as his anger led to adrenaline being pumped into his veins. It took coming across a small stream for him to notice just how frightening he appeared, the left side of his face a grisly sight with its scars scrunched up, pale daggers gleaming beneath.

He paused there to take a breath before turning to fully to face Ciara. He steeled himself, and tried to ease his countenance. “I would have never wanted you to see me this way.” He started. “But that girl…that bitch.” Despite trying to get a grip on himself his words were still harsh and angry. “I knew her…We were…friends.The last words was a hiss. “Or at least I thought. There was a day that I was out patrolling, --the pup, Holly had wandered off. I found her with Terra touching her. The whelp was afraid, her mother had been murdered by coyotes. I told Terra to stay away…with what she is I didn’t want her scent confusing anyone. She was not happy, she just couldn’t understand what I was trying to tell her. I warned her not to come back here, that others might not appreciate her presence. I guess I failed. Her trespass angers me more than you know.” He turned his face away and his voice was quieter, his words short. “I thought it best you know.”

That was all he had to say on that matter and he swiftly turned back to the trail. It pained him to think of how he was behaving around the girl, he did not want her to think less of him for it, not now. The hunt they’d had together, it made him think, see her in a different light. He had a history of burning every bridge he’d ever crossed, he did not want this to end before it even began. He was not an openly affectionate man, neither charming, nor particularly endearing, but he had a heart buried somewhere beneath, and he’d grown fond of the mottled girl. He owed it to her to at least explain the reason for his actions.

That aside he swished his tail, his thoughts back to the cougar that threatened their home, their very lives. They were nearing the clearing and he could see the moose carcass laid before them. Blood there was here, Terra’s blood, moose blood, and cougar. His hackles raised as he sniffed it, his eyes turning to their surroundings, suddenly wary. “Ciara.” He called he gruffly. He indicated a tuft of fur with his muzzle. “Cougar.” he said shortly. “This is not something to be taken lightly. Cats are different, they can think just as we can, reason, we must show her no mercy, for she will show us none.”

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