Carving Lessons
[/html]Claudius did not often venture near the stables out of his fear of the horses. But today, he happened to be passing nearby – as far away from the horses as possible, of course – and saw an unknown face working with something in his hands. Like the dog, Claudius was walking on two feet and had a leather bag slung over his shoulder containing various craftsman tools. Claudius also did not normally approach strangers, but loyalty to his tribe demanded it once he caught the dog’s scent. He was not of the tribe, though he smelled as though he had been in their borders for some time.

Keeping a safe distance, Claudius let out a soft bark to alert the dog. He did not want to surprise him, both for the dog’s sake and his own. Claudius was certainly paranoid enough to conjure up hundreds of grotesque possibilities for disturbing someone. Since he suspected the dog had a knife in his hands, he didn’t want to startle him and cause him to cut himself by accident.

“He-e-ey,” he called out. “You-h-ou’re not fr-hu-hu-om… this tribe… are you? Wha-a-a-hut… are you doing… here?” [html]

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