Carving Lessons
[/html]Claudius frowned in concentration as the dog explained his working process. It made sense, though, he wondered if there was an easier way to do it. Carving that huge space out of the large chunk of wood sounded like a lot of work. But he wasn't sure how else one could make a bowl out of wood, unless they found a piece of wood already in that shape. He supposed it would be possible to bend the wood by soaking it in water for a day or two, but that wouldn't work with a thick piece of wood. Plus, it wasn't like he could weave a basket-type bowl; then everything would just drain out.

The dog held the bowl out for Claudius to examine, so he took it in his hands. He flipped it over and turned it around, feeling the edges and cuts with his fingers. He murmured a thoughtful "hmm," as the dog continued explaining your process.

"I-I think... your-your... problem... is that... your knife... it's too... thick. It's... no-o-ot... delicate... enough. Here," he said and thrust his arm out with the bowl for the dog to take. "I ha-a-a-ve... some... other... knives in my-y-y-y... bag... for planing... and... carving." Some of them were ones he had found and others were ones he had tried to make himself. He had a few bone knives and he thought they might just do the trick.[html]

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