Carving Lessons
[/html]Claudius was silent throughout the entire procedure. He knew that if he wanted this to go well, it would be a bad idea to rush or scare Hadley. He recognized a kindred spirit, so he knew that if he wouldn't like someone lecturing him the entire time, Hadley probably wouldn't, either. As Hadley poured the mixture into the bowl, Claudius very carefully tilted the bowl slightly onto its side so that the fat and sap would solidify on the side of the bowl with the crack. Since it was Claudius' first time doing this, he hadn't been sure how long it had to boil or how to check for the right viscosity. It was a little watery, but if he held the bowl still, he thought that he would probably be able to let it thicken and then harden without too much fuss.

Once Hadley was done, he grinned at Claudius and Claudius found himself grinning back.

"Guh-goo-good job!" he said. "Nuh-now... ju-u-st... to wait for i-it to harden... and wuh-we're done," he explained. He nodded to his bag and then added: "fuh-find one of my-y-y... thin... bone blades. Tha-at... should do the trick." Claudius was so excited that they were nearly done that he couldn’t sit still. He wanted it to be done! Done! He felt his tail thump in a steady wag, flicking from side to side. [html]

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