Adelle had woken up extra early this morning. Her tail thudded quietly against the wall as she laid nestled into the bed she'd been given. She might not be able to stretch out in it like someone who had shifted could, but Adelle still managed to take up a large portion of it, quite big and still growing. Last night Grandpa had told her that he would be giving her a surprise today. She couldn't picture what it was, her mind racing with excitement. Ideas of weapons, and toys, and friends she could play with paraded through her mind.

At last she couldn't sit still any longer. The sun was just starting to peek over the edge of the horizon, thin gray slivers of light piercing the darkness. That seemed late enough for her to have waited for. Adelle had been assigned a mentor now after all. Adelle trotted over to Grandpa's bed, and jumped up next to him. She promptly began to cover his face in wet slobbery licks. [html]Grandpa! Det er morgen! Får jeg min store overraskelse nu?[/html] Adelle whined, pushing at him excitedly.

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