An Answer in the Red River
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ooc: Anyone from the 'Rebound' topic that wanted to join in is free to do so. Next post will have scenery description. Promise.

Date: Feb. 23rd | Sunset

Form: Optime

Setting: Mysterious Forest

What would the world have been like had it chosen to fall around her? A dismal abyss of overbearing misery, or were such thoughts the melodrama of an ignorant mind that had yet to suffer the pain of abandonment til now? The latter would have felt more appropriate, at least then she would not have believed herself to be as self-pitying as she was now. And there had never been a reason to pity herself, to call upon the ancestors to woe on her loneliness. Such a thought was new to her, loneliness…isolation. Even away from her family she had not felt that way because in her mind there was nothing to miss when she was dismissed with their blessings and the wish for her prosperity. She hadn’t been faced with their backs but their assuring smiles and a few strains of a reluctant farewell but garbed in a wish for fortune. She’d never felt left…abandoned. She had never felt alone.

Yet, as she sat among the strange flora lost for a time within her own thoughts, she was glad for the experience despite how it pained her. As the blows of the Exultare taught her to withhold and defend, so would these wound toughen her hide and make her all the more resilient to them. Her role had changed and her adaptations would have to evolve alone with it. Since coming to these lands, she became aware with alarming expediency that she could not hold onto the ignorance she carried from the Nomads. She would be forced from henceforth to take this life now and meld it with the past, not left what was known and familiar blind her to the experiences that had transpired with more yet to come. But it was terribly difficult and pained her so. Even now with her renewed resolved, she felt the clench of her heart within her breast threatening to cripple her down to a weeping excuse.

It was a new pain that gripped her, one no physical blow could compare to. And yes, she tried to overwhelm the emotional ailment with a physical strike, again and again until her umber limbs throbbed and the flesh beneath their deep dark hues partly gave way to blood. Her attempt only served to drain her a little and mar the moss covered trunk she laid against with minute sprays of blood. She had failed to dismiss the pain in her heart, overbear the feeling of pain with that which was suffered by her hands. But it was futile…all of it. And like a pup taken by a tantrum she projected her frustrations to the canopy, or anguish, her confusion, and overall her anger came expelling from her maw in a horrid wail. Not a trace of her melodious tones were to be found so consumed by ill felt emotions.

Why, she questioned hoping her instinct would stir some answer. Why am I made to feel this way. I have don’t nothing wrong…. I have done what my Shepard would do, what my Father would do. I have followed the teaching and the discipline of the Exultare. But why… why must I be punished for doing so? What have I don’t wrong to feel like this…

000 words.


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