Courageous Coward
His ears twitched, relieved as it was confirmed that the site was indeed abandoned. He wasn't interrupting anyone or doing anything wrong by being there. That was a relief. A small bit of tension eased from his body with that small sentence. He was before someone he viewed as superior to his lowly self, but at least he wasn't doing anything that he could get punished for. His gaze on the ground he spotted the tools that had ended up scattering all over the place.

He lifted his head slightly as she introduced herself. Hadley. From Casa di Cavalieri. His home. He finally had a home, as strange as that thought was. A place he claimed as his own and knew he belonged to. It was nice. He carefully moved back over to the dropped tools, making sure to give her plenty of space as he began picking them up again. I...came to get some tools for repairs... His words were quiet and hesitant, almost apologetic in nature as he cleaned up.

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