Courageous Coward
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Anu watched as the male nodded, and then without a word went back to his task. The Dreamer thought little of it, only figuring that he was not one fond of speaking. She did not consider herself to be intimidating, but she did not know what to think truly about the scar she had now. For so long she had been without such a gruesome display, she had looked friendly. Now, she thought it could maybe be different.

The Dreamer did the same, and went back to her work for a few moments. Then she began to simply speak, talking to the male even if he didn’t have anything to say in return. Jazper used to be part of my pack. He is a good wolf, and a good leader. I miss him at times, he gave me a bit of security. She spoke as she plucked the dandelion from the ground and placed it into her bag.

And Anann, she has always been kind to my family. A mentor for my son as well. She thought aloud, while she rummaged.


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