[M] Wandering around
Hadley’s body stiffened when she wrapped her arms around him. He seemed frightened again. She wanted to show him she wasn’t going to hurt him. Isa loosened her grip on him, hoping he would relax. ”I’m not going to hurt you Hadley. I promised I wouldn’t.” With her face buried into his chest, the tears remaining on her cheeks dried slowly. After Isa kissed his cheek Hadley’s hands stroked down her back gently. A small shiver ran down her spine and she looked up to meet his big brown eyes.

Isa’s fingers gently slid across his chest, brushing over the scars softly. The wide range of emotions Isa was feeling left her feeling confused about what to do. All she could think about though, was how much she enjoyed being in Hadley’s arms. Her body seemed to react on its own while her mind wandered. She leaned forward and kissed his muzzle softly as her fingertips slid across his chest. She wasn’t aware of what she was doing her body just seemed to act and Isa seemed to like it to an extent. She didn’t know what would happen or what Hadley would do but for the moment she just enjoyed having his strong arms around her.

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