milk them chickens and pluck them cows.
I don't know, whatever. I was thinking of making this read only, but we said we'd have a thread anyway. Doesn't need to be long, but I figure Gabe should know who Abraxas is. I was reading through some old posts with Spade and Kaden and thought that Anselm should have a "pet," too. Also, was thinking that you could use him freely in your posts, if you so desired.

!@#$%They had met and parted many times in the past. Maybe half a dozen times? Nobody really bothered to keep track. The first was when they were both but cubs, less than two months old each. Anselm had tried to kill him, but Abraxas had gotten away. Round two, a few months after that, produced similar results. It was clear even then that the little bastard was quick on his feet. Finally, on round three, Anselm had just completed his first shift. Walking was unnatural to him, but it was the red fox who warned him that one of the local bullies was on his way, giving him time to take cover in his vulnerable state. From this point on, the hybrid had seen Abraxas in a new light: as a fleet footed informant, who most wolves probably paid little heed. By this point, they were so different in size that he could hardly consider the tinier canine competition, anyway.

!@#$%The relationship that formed was a bizarre one that not even Anselm could claim to understand. Then again, he still hadn't managed to comprehend the weirdness that was Abraxas. The fox was a quirky little fellow, who seemed to have loyalties to nobody, and yet he still seemed to trust the wolf that had tried to kill him twice in the past. Anselm had never caught him in a lie when it came to the two of them, but he seemed rather slippery whenever most anybody else tried to make conversation with him. More than once, he'd caught the damn thing talking to itself. Still, on some level, it worked. Thus, as Anselm lay sphinx-like on a large boulder in Inferni's midst, he watched attentively as the ragged and scrawny form of his old comrade approached. The fox leapt lightly up to Anselm's side and took a seat. Neither said a word.

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