children and graveyards
Terra had expected the wolf to fight with her, argue about the ruin. It seemed there was more to this female than Terra had thought at first. The blatant words of weakness and ruin had Terra thinking she couldn't see the beauty in it, yet here she was, agreeing that there was a strange draw to it. Anything unusual and new tended to captivate Terra's attention for a fair length of time, toying and fighting with it until she understood it to her limited ability and classified it as either useful, fun, or something to ignore. The sharp words had Terra glancing at the wolf.

I do believe you're supposed to give your own name first. Her tail wagged softly before Terra complied to the request. My name's Luna. Mother had a rather romantic idea about what I would be like. Truthfully it didn't fit her because it wasn't her name. The coyote named Luna had been a pale silver creature, always off on her own world, low in the pack's hierarchy. Terra had been named for her more practical nature, and the earthen hues of her coat, even if they did hold a bloody red to them. Not pursuing the question of who the two wolves were Terra gazed out. Why have you come?

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