Pain Medication
Although the body was constrained in a tight package of fabric, the mind was under no such bounds and Caspa listened with mild interest to the tripping Terra's ravings, although she would neither encourage or attempt to steady them. Sooner or later the woman would come back down to earth, recover her senses - or at least as much as she ever had them in the first place. Caspa was interested, though to hear how her question was answered and one eye sneakily turned back to look at Terra, though her head remained facing straight-ahead. The coywolf disapproved of the question, evidently. The reason she gave, though, was peculiar. Caspa chose to take it in a less literal sense, unaware of her current fluorescent quality. "No, remember? I am the fool. You are the clever one." A strange intelligence it was though. Sometimes leading Terra to say things that Caspa knew there was no way she could possibly know. Decreeing death upon strangers and talking about her own future. Come to think of it, Terra was the last person Caspa would have ever wanted to see out of her mind. It was already seemingly quite a weird yet wonderful place, without the addition of strange alterations. It was then she noticed the screwed-up eyes, squinting at her as if she were the sun. Was that what Terra had meant? "I will close the curtains," Caspa stated uncertainly: perhaps the light was reflecting from her milky coat and hurting Terra's eyes. She got up and tugged at the heavy cloth till the windows were covered, not wishing to change from her strongest form until she was sure it would not be needed again. The room was thrown into a calm, shadowy state, although it was still possible to see by the faint sunlight that filtered in.

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