The Return Of Shadow.
Reason won out over defiance in the end. Though her heart was breaking and the very fabric of her resolve was frayed to nothing, she still grasped onto the single thread of reason and rationale that kept her from deafening her ears to her beloved. There was no sense in hiding the tears any longer, no point in keeping the Lagratan resilient face. There was only her and him, set at the troubled crossroads of this ill fated relationship.

Yet, amidst all the drama and tears, his words gave her hope. So desperate to latch onto something that was theirs, she took hold of his words and believed them to be true. He did love her… he wanted to be with her. She was the future he wished to have had the Fates been kind enough to deal them a blessed hand. And that filled her with hope… hope that in this lifetime they would see the fruition of these trials and no longer has to bare this existence alone. She stopped biting him and slowly licked when she had inflected the wound. She whined and whined over with each lick, once and a while she would lick his lips or nuzzle his good cheek. " sorry..."

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