The Return Of Shadow.
OOC text | WC :: +000

He closed his eyes and then once she was done he opened them and looked to his chest and when she licked it he smiled and he pulled her into his arms again and just held her. In the marking that had taken place it meant more than they just being mates. It was a promise for them to always be together, only separated by death and then if possible reunited after. Shadow kissed her again and rolled with her so that she was lying on top of his chest and he smiled up at her. The marks they had done, had helped with his pain that he was feeling, he still thought about the pups but now he felt like he was forever connected to Insomnia and that no matter what happened they could never be torn apart. They belonged to one another now in more ways then one and the thought of that made his love for her only rise and hit new height's that he had thought never attainable.

Now you are mine and I am yours, forever, till death and beyond.

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
template by revo. <3


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