WC:: 228 OOC::


Terra seemed to understand his uncertainty about his place in the pack well enough. He just wasn’t sure; he really wanted to help in some way. But what could he do for the pack he wondered to himself on a daily basis. Someday he would take the time to talk to Vigilante about his uncertainties; if anyone could help it would most likely be him if not someone else. So you tell stories? He couldn’t hear the way the words sounded when they came out. He was intrigued that there was such a position in their pack. Story telling wouldn’t be something he could see himself doing, he never tried to tell a story, but it didn’t like he had the creativity geared for that sort of thing. What kinds of stories do you tell Terra? He was a little bit confused by her remark. If they needed a story teller, it wouldn’t be for the adults.

Thinking about what he might do, he mentally noted things that was and wasn’t cut out for. Personally he didn’t think he would be much of a warrior, not like he did any fighting anyhow. Could I make weapons, would I make a good baby sitter?! What the hell am I good at? Shaking his head with inward frustration he looked back to the female story teller and tilted his head.


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