Forget Something?
"Those bite marks are not just from the cougar. They look like some are self inflicted," he said nosing it softly. He could tell the bite marks apart. A wolf, possibly Terra herself had bit her leg. He was concerned but would press further. He laughed softly at her comment about him not being worthless. "I was raised to think I am. Its not necessarily a bad thing. Look at who I have be come. You like something about me. I wonder what it is," he said and playfully nipped at her side. She was practically melted into his side, her body fitting right into his own. He wondered what she looked like in optime form.

"A master a teacher. Someone who is has learned all they ways of a art and can teach it to others. Someone you respect above all others and can go to with your problems and seek guidance," he said thinking of his own question. "Why did you bring me here? To this hidden sanctuary?" he asked as he looked around

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