Forget Something?
So she wanted him to be part of her world. He licked her softly and smiled again. "You are not like the other wolves I have met. You... are wild and reckless and the polar opposite of me. You are smart and funny and strong despite being injured. I want you as my mate because... it feels right. Like we are in sync and it only seems to be getting better the more we are together," he said confidently. Something about her made him want her. To protect her and be with her. To provide for her even if she could do that herself.

"I want to.... protect you and cuddle with you. Hold you close and...." he left the words never let you go hang in the air. He didn't want to scare her away. "Do you like to be cuddled with? I never asked you I just laid down next to you without asking if you were a cuddly person or not. I have know others that don't like to be close to others. It was one of the things they couldn't stop me from doing in my monastery. I enjoy being close to others," he said with a gentle lick to her jaw.

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