Forget Something?
Aylu laughed softly. He couldn't answer that question. Only she could answer that question. "You tell me. What do you feel in your heart?" he asked softly. He hoped that Terra understood that he would do what ever she wanted. He wanted to see her world better and couldn't wait for her to get better. "I would love to see your world better when you can walk. I bet you are a whole new adventure on two legs. But I would like to help you hunt better. Do you know how to use a bow and arrow? Or daggers," he asked with mild curiosity.

He didn't like that she resorted to stealing when she could be a great huntress if taught correctly. He lay his head across her front paws and looked up at her, his tail wagging softly. "I just noticed something. You have me in lupus form again and I am naked again. You should feel special. I don't get naked for every woman," he said jokingly.

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