Progress for the sake of progress....
I would like to have a few people hunt with Aylu. He just got his rank changed and I think the pack could use a few more cows for milk and a ox for meat. A small gathering after to celebrate after. Any Rank is welcome. Lets get some life back in this pack Smile

Aylu was ready to hunt. He had yet to meet many others in the pack but he wanted a pack hunt. He knew that the pack was small and he was new to the family but they could use a few more cows and a some meat other then rabbits and a few deers. He had put a lot of thought of how the hunt would go down. He had stayed up the night before making a few bows and arrows for some of the people he hoped to see.

He had it all planed out. He needed at least 3 people to come out and hunt with him. Two archers and two leads. It would all be explained as soon as he got some people to meet with him. But how to gather the pack in one spot? Where would they all meet? He walked for a while and then it hit him. The hunting lodge. It was in the middle of pack lands and he figured almost everyone knew how to get there. He ran to the lodge happy to find a place to call the pack to.

He was there faster then he thought he would be, his excitment growing as he sat down on the porch and howled for others to come. He was ready to meet the pack and better yet he was ready to bring the pack together

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