The male seemed to hesitate when Thanatos promised not to harm him. He had meant it but he also expected the man not to trust or believe him. He simply nodded, having only spoken one word so far, no. That was it. Perhaps Thanatos really was frightening and made others uncomfortable around him. The mans eyes widened when he mentioned the fact that Isa was his cousin. The one member of his family who was able to turn down the assassin life they were expected to accept.

He nodded once more before actually speaking. So she was a member of his pack. Thanatos nodded and studied the man before speaking. ”I’m sorry sir, I didn’t catch your name.” Thantos realized there was another scent on the man that he recognized as the brown coydog he had met in the area not too long ago. ”Ladies man huh? You’re absolutely covered in Isa’s scent and Selene’s. I’m assuming she’s from your pack as well?” He paused for a moment, giving him time to answer. Thanatos was joking about him being a ladies man, just trying to lighten the mood. ”She was traveling around here with a woman named Amy. She said she was an heiress of some kind and was with Amy to try to make herself more confident. It didn’t seem to be working too well but I also don’t know how long Selene had been with her.”

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