on ill winds unease rides
There had been small subtle changes in the woman, she had noticed them but had been ignoring them. If they continued she knew she would have to admit to the truth, but with her size and stature she didn't believe that the forms growing within her body would make it to see the world. It was cruel to think thus but she was realistic in many aspects of her world, her own pygmy genes were one things that had made her aware of the darker ring to the world, the cruel fates of life and how to live with them. Her mind had been slowly working over the what ifs of life as she scanned the lands.

Her ears had caught the sound of another padding closer, but the wind was with her and she knew the scent. She didn't take her eyes off the scanned fields as Angel moved up beside her. Her ears flicked back to let him know she knew he was there but she didn't speak until the male was beside her. "I've seen nothing of these invaders.." she spat, irritated that they seemed more like ghosts than anything else. Her eyes finally tore from the scene before her as she asked. "Who are they that they disappear so quickly.. like ghosts.. and what do they want.." She growled softly, it was apparent what they wanted in one way or another. They wanted the fires of inferni extinguished, but they were sadly mistaken... these members would never go down without a fight. She knew that just as well as the next.

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