A New Dawn
She was still as stone, not a muscle caused her dark black fur to twitch over her slender bodice. Her screaming green and vicious blue eyes flicked to Shadow. The silence was deafening, it seemed nothing made a single sound or rather dared too as the two stood there facing each other--waiting for one or the other to make the first move. For a time, none of them made an attempt to begin the spar and Insomnia a soon found her sinew aching for movement and she stiffled a groan of boredom. She decided then she would be the first to dive forth and make the first attack--whether it landed or not was yet to be determined. Everything in her movement relied on timin, speed and how observant Shadow was. Being that Shadow was faily close he would not have all that much time to react--perhaps a handful of seconds or more depending on how quickly he could dodge out of the way. The attack moved slowly at first--her back legs gently stretching behind her to uncoil the spring like muscles and sinew that connected those leg bones together. Barely a thread of fur whispered, making it almost impossible to see the series of actions behind the full attack. It was like watching an elaborate line of dominoes falling into each other in slow motion. With a shot of a glance to the sky and heavens before setting her gaze on Shadowfang, her legs let out the full force of her compression and she snapped forward.

She sailed through the air, front legs tucking underneath to gain better aim of her jaws for the thick fur which covered the front of Shadow's neck. If planned correctly and given he did not react quickly enough, her muzzle would wrap deliciously around that small part of his throat where under the precious jugular vein was protected. Granted she got the grip in place she would send her front paws down in a hard jerk which should cause in turn her head to jolt downwards in a rapid motion. This if landed precisely (the force was calculated correctly) should jerk Shadowfang's head down so violently that a painful rip in his tender flesh should be the conclusion of the blow. Alas she had no way of knowing it would all come as she saw in her mind for she still sailed for him, jaws agape, eyes wide and glowing with hunger. Hunger for satisfaction. Satisfaction that would come when she felt a mouthful of the brutes pelt and also tasted the sweet yet tasty flavor of his blood.

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