WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Hadley had been sleeping in the large bed that had been brought back from the house. Isa's sweet scent filled the room, comforting, intoxicating, entrancing. His ears twitched earlier at the sound of the door closing, but when nothing else happened his sleep continued for another while. The scent settled down though, and eventually his brain decided to inform Hadley that the scent was weakening as scent's owner wasn't in the room. Bolting upright Hadley looked around. Sure enough, he was alone. Trying to calm himself Hadley twisted around, checking under the bed. Not there. Desperately he searched the room, knowing full well that she wouldn't be found.

Practically ripping the door out Hadley entered the hall, nose twitching as he searched for his lost partner. It was too bad he couldn't smell properly, not allowing him to track her down. Instead he had to resort to pacing down, checking each and every room in the fort, double checking some places several times to see if she had returned. Panic mounted as he grew to realize that she wasn't there, but was out somewhere without him, completely vulnerable. The fact that she was in heat only made this worse, a huge advertisement for males to come and get her. She could be raped, she could be beaten, she could be killed! Or worse, she could find someone that she liked better than him, leaving him alone by himself.

The hybrid tore through the woods surrounding Casa, covering more territory than he had before. He was surprised when he tumbled into the hot springs. For a moment memories threatened to cloud over him, then he was moving, seeing if she was hiding in the mists. Not there. Hadley ran through the dilapidated town, calling her name, checking each house. She wasn't there either. The waterfalls that he'd come across when she was first in heat was empty, even when he checked to see if it was possible to hide behind it. At last he ended up at the borders, looking out desperately. Full of despair he lifted his head, howling. Where was she?

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