[M] A Dark Night
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I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs
OOC: ... || WC: 000

The slender frame fell in easily at the dark brute’s side. Dry earth and dark grass played at her paws with each easy stride. How good it felt to wonder in the moonlight with him, free from the darkness that normally clouded their meetings. She would be safe at her lover’s side though; such an obedient pet. A half smile played across her muzzle as she looked up at him, his serious face so easily broken into a smile. Pressing her stride closer to him, she breathed in his scent, oh so familiar and still as knee bending, stomach churning, and seducing as it had been the day she has first met him wandering into her family lands. His handsome face turned back to look at her. "Just me and you, no one else, no pack, not a living soul, this is for me and you so we can have a great time and just be together" That smile, a flush of heat washed over her slender figure as she reached out to nip at his shoulder playfully. ”Of course.” She peered around the open landscape. The place the two had fallen in love. The place where they would be at tonight. Glancing back at his handsome blue and yellow gaze she smiled slowing her pace with his.

”What do you think, I wanted to have a date with you, this is the reason I have been smiling all the time, this is our secret get away for us. I love you and I want to make you happy, you mean everything to me.” Her eyes widened slightly at his confession… he had never told her that much before. Her stomach churned awkwardly, a rush of emotions spinning through her. So these were butterflies. ”I love you Shadow... I would never do anything to risk pushing you away…” How I long to bring you closer… The thought passed so quickly, a sly smile pressed faintly against her lips. Shadow took her hand and they both sat down at this "picnic" area he had set up. She giggled and snuggled next to him, looking up at the night stars in the sky.

sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright but it's never enough
Table by Stormie, template by revo. <3
Image courtesy of moonfairy1111@deviantart.com [/html]

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