Don't you miss those you gave life to
Very short too :3

Had he been older and more drawn to women he might have felt attraction to her on a base level, might have felt the need to comfort her about her misgivings but he was just a child, only a boy with no knowledge of such things. He didn't really know what to say to her, he had seen the smaller black boy only once from afar and he hadn't spoken to him. He could hardly imagined being taken away from his Mahn and his sisters, the very thought made him feel ill and angry.

"Mother says it was better when the other two ruled, Nayru and Razekiel. She says they were good leaders though they were different to how she was used to following." Honrin who was good with faces and names could only jut barely remember a black and white woman and a red smeared male with beads and a white smoking thing. Hr frowned to himself, lost in the faint memories as Io further insulted X'yrin and her leadership abilities.

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