Hope I'm not being too forward..
She stood tall in her Optime form, her arms extended out as she placed her bird onto a branch, who she still had yet to name. He was growing feathers now, his fluff slowly disappearing, He was turning into an adolescent and it was time to start the training, but he needed to learn to fly. She placed him on a safe height, probably safer than necessary, she admittedly babied her bird at times. She stood a few feet away and held out her left arm. It was gloved to protect it from his talons. "Up, up!" She commanded and he lowered down then spread his wings attempting to hop from the branch to her arm. Sucess! Then she gave him a little venison she had saved in a pouch on her hip. Placing him back onto the branch she added distance and repeated.

This was what she would be doing most of the day. Creating distance and reinforcing his success. He was beginning to have to flap his wings when the distance became four feet, but she caught him giving him a reward for his efforts. "Good boy!" He was a quiet bird, she knew he could start to reply to her, but he remained silent. His eyes doing most of the talking for him. She hand her hand down his head to the back of his neck, "You're doing great..I'm sure in a few weeks you'll be able to fly soon!" She brought him close and kissed the top of his head, one hand rested on his beak pushing it down a little while she kissed his head. It was a cautionary measure. She was sure he wouldn't bite, but she didn't want him to get the idea if he got temperamental. After all, he was nearly a teenager.

She was still in heat, and after a run in with Noah, Tharin, and Augustus she was doing more to avoid without actually going out of her way to do so. She kept to herself and minded her own business with her bird. He was growing and they needed to do some bonding, even if her hormones were all over the place. In truth it still disappointed her mate has not been around the pack since they were excepted. It made her heart sink...again. She sat down leaning against a tree, one leg folded up, her left arm prompt onto her knee. It helped support the weight that the eagle had. Her eyes searching his as he looked around taking in all the sounds and sights around him. A light smile held onto her muzzle. "It seems you're the only constant companion I have..."

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