Trinità Scuro
Ok, just because this seems to be the red flag everyone keeps waving at me on this pack I want to point some things out right now.. and trying to stay realistic.

1. This pack is a dark and evil based pack. Yes, this is true, but as with most packs it will take weeks, maybe even a few months for it to develop into such a dark and sinister place. There will not be any real way for other packs or clans to know from day one just how horrid they are (if they even are THAT horrid) and it would take months for all the packs as a whole to be able to pinpoint the location of all their troubles.. besides that..the pack itself will be tied up with creating their new home and establishing their ranks and way of life first.

2. Yes, part of their rank system does include them committing acts of violence or theft or some other ill nature against other creatures who are not from their pack. This doesn't mean they are going to powerplay attacking your character or pack, and in turn, if a player decides to allow their character to be part of the plot for a rank advancement.. their leaders might find out, but if the player of the character in their pack doesn't want them to find out.. then the pack won't rightly know right off the bat.

3. A lot of people keep repeatedly point out how all the other packs will not stand for a dark pack in the lands...Have they already held a meeting about this? Because honestly.. I'd be very upset if right from the start everyone wants to powerplay pushing a pack out because of their ideas, ranks, way of life and how it's ran. PEOPLE... this pack hasn't even been created yet, and there are a lot of other packs trying to be formed.. I know you think you are helping in pushing the REALISTICALLY clause on how the other packs will act.. but.. it's all based on an if. Besides.. realistically.. it would take months for them to honestly know enough about the pack to do anything about it.

Please, even if you are trying to be helpful.. stop pointing out everything negative about this pack. It is a dark pack.. it's not meant to be rainbows and daisies. There are other options if this pack is created.. just ignore it if you don't like it, don't plot with the characters, or realistically plot. I understand everyone has their own thing.. I just feel that this constant negative attitude isn't exactly helpful.

I'm not trying to be rude.. but I have helped form other packs before and I do understand the work that does go into them...

More actual information on the pack will be placed up later...

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