Serenity tribe
So here's a possible rank system:

Notes about the system: The second list is what we would be using with the first set is simply what they would mean. the list is stars that are brightest down with me picking some of the cooler sounding names while still staying in order.

Alpha male- Sirius
Alpha female- Rigel
Beta male- Altair
Beta female- Spica

Epsilon- Antares
Zeta- Pollux
Eta- Deneb
Theta- Becrux
Iota- Regulus

Kappa- Shaula
Lambda- Bellatrix
Mu- Suhail
Nu- Mirfak
Xi- Wezen
Omicron- Sargas
Rho- Dubhe
Sigma- Alhena

Tau- Polaris
Upsilon- Saiph

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