all the roads we have to walk are winding
She had curled up in their nest of blankets and furs after patrolling. Her paws hurt, her head hurt, her back ached and there was a constant rolling in her womb to remind her that the pups she held within were still alive and kicking. The tiny woman didn't believe for a day that she would make it through this all if already they were creating this much havoc within her body. She didn't pity the women of the past who had bore the generation she belonged to nor would she pity the next.. but the fear of what may come drove her insane inside.

The pygmy creature tried to put up a brave face for the world but she was a beast of reason and logic, with a voice that whispered the harsh truths of the world in her ear at every turn. She would let them believe what they wanted, she would be a player on the stage but secretly within she wept. Tossing and turning seemed to be the doom of her in the early morning light as she buried her head deeper into the pelts, the scent of her mate falling about her, the musky heavy scent of the clan's warrior. She didn't know why he had chosen her, or what had drawn them together but she wondered if he would still want her.. if..

She knew she couldn't control the winds of change but the thought of losing the life one carried or ones own life in the process of bring children into the world scared her. She had heard of hardy sturdy women who had passed on in delivery.. and she was nothing like the larger cousins. Zana knew she was frail in ways that others were strong, she made up for it in a million different ways, or at least she tried.. but shivers still raced down her spine at the thought of a future she couldn't control.

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