Wide Open Spaces

Come Belial, follow me. Aika commanded, waiting for the black horse to follow her. It was time for them to leave the campsite and continue in their journey through those strange lands. Onix, The dark female’s pet quickly climbed the wagon weels and wrapped herself around various pelts as soon as the horse started to move.Aika leaded the male horse through the forest, toward a nearby lake where they were going to stop in order to get their fill and with some luck, catch some fish to eat.

They soon reached the lake border where the dark female allowed Belial to wander around and eat from the new grown vegetation that surrounded the enormous water body. Stay here Onix, ill fish something. Aika walked slowly into the cold water, trying to dont scare fish that hided under the shadow of an enormous tree, when she was close enough, she started to attack the fish with her clawed hand, trapping them between her hands.

After a few minutes, Aika pulled the last fish to the groud and sat back to start eating. She breathed deeply filling her lungs with the scent of fresh fish meat and something else.... She sniffed the air a bit and noticed something new. Turning her head toward the forest line Aika spotted another female that ran toward the water. An advertance growl escaped from the hybrid's lips as she turned her body toward the stranger. Who are you?


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