you are my delight
She gasped, arching her back as he stroked her tenderly. In her inebriated state, the pleasure was as potent as the Irish Whiskey she'd been consuming. She closed her eyes, humming softly, loving the feelings he was creating. And then he spoke, and she remembered what it was she needed to tell him.

"I let someone seduce me when we were still together....I let him use my body, even though you and I were mates." In her drunken state, she was close to weeping. Alchohol made her very emotional about everything. And this was no different, of course. Queen Emo strikes again. "I didn't stop seeing him, either. I think I'm falling in love with him, but I'm in love with you too." Or was it lust? In her state of mind, she couldn't seperate the two.

She wanted to tell him who it was, but couldn't bring herself to say the chocolate male's name outloud, afraid it would break the spell Lucifer was weaving around her.

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