you are my delight
"You where good for me, but you started say I was sleeping around, when I wasn't. So I figured if I was going to get in trouble for something, I was going to do it." She fuzily tried to remember what had started her thinking he was sleeping around. The memory came to her slowly. Naniko. "I was afraid you were because I was afraid to lose you."

She arched her back, crying out as he kissed her nether lips and began rubbing her sensitive jewel. His words only vaugly registered, and in reply she arched her body closer. "I need you Lucifer....I really do. I want you with me for now and forever." His rubbing was pushing her, driving her ever closer to the precipice. How she longed for that blissful, mindless descent. (Which sounds vaugly suicidal, which would be why the french call the orgasm the little death. hahaha.)

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