AW- The Way Things Could Have Been.
Hadn't he had plenty of time? When he asked if she was hungry, when she was trotting beside him, when she first tried taking the fish. All of those had been good times to offer. At least in her mind. The fact that she might have been distracting him with her actions didn't occur to the lithe female at all. She followed Toby back down the stairs, still gazing around at the various things that were available. Her interest in the male was waning after the fish was lost, but her ear still tingled a little from the nip Terra hadn't understood.

Terra moved to sit down at the table, running a hand over the white furnishing. She sat neatly at a seat, prepared to start moving at the slightest moment. Shrugging Terra traced a hand over the wood, feeling the grain beneath it. Just what I told you. The warmth and the chance of fish. Terra wasn't exactly more complex than that. Even her most complicated schemes were at the heart of things very simple in nature.

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