Yummy in my Tummy! [p]
OOC: thank you!

Her tail wagged softly. She was being very nice to the coyote. It looked like the poor wolf was truly ignorant of how the pack worked. Well, Terra didn't exactly know either to be fair. She just knew that avoiding the pack was the best thing she could do. Better for everyone if she didn't get involved in it. In fact, Terra was feeling rather like she was picking at old wounds with this discussion. As much as she wanted revenge on the male, dragging a pack member into it didn't seem like a particularly good idea.

Well, she never had been one to listen to common sense. Terra giggled at the mention of the cougar, remembering the circumstances it'd been under. A fresh killed moose, mere minutes old, and no one there to claim it. Except for a very large angry cat. A terrifying experience, but not one that surprised Terra to find herself in. Yes. I don't remember much beyond waking up in a den after the cat got me. Apparently I trespassed, and Zalen organized the pack to get the healer and patch me up. She wished she actually remembered what had happened, able to explain the trespassing somehow.

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