i'll carry you home, tonight

<33 permission to PP and close given!

Saul Lupus is by Alaine!

His growl had been a combination of frustration and disbelief in what his belle had said. He understood insecurity more than most, he understood the inner workings of the mind when it through an all manner of thoughts out and everything someone said was twisted. Green eyes flashed softly when he caught the instinctive opening of Lilin's mouth, the slightest quiver of her lips that threatened to reveal her teeth. Inwardly he smirked- they'd never come close to a proper argument and he could almost imagine them coming to blows over something stupid. A growing part of him felt excitement at the thought- they would be unable to do any real damage to each other, but the fighting would more than likely relieve some of the tension between them. He'd swung her round to face him and he could see the steely defiance in her eyes.

This, in itself, was a comfort to the male. He had absolutely no desire to have someone bend to his will, to cower away from him. He didn't want Lilin to become subservient and timid- she was perfect just the way she was. He tried to smother his smile, but it came out in the gentlest quirk of his lips as he leaned forward and placed a sweet kiss on her nose. It seemed to end their pseudo-argument as he felt her relax minutely, the tension between their bodies easing. The delicate wash of her tongue over his chest caused a strong shudder to race up his body and he was glad for the distraction of her voice. Looking back at her, he felt a strong grin slip over him. He let go of her arms, stepping back.

He didn't need to say anything to her as he removed his shorts, stepping out of them and dipping a toe in the water. It was chilly, but not hugely so. He glanced back once towards Lilin, a cheeky and mischevious grin on his lips before he plunged into the water, moved out so that he could no longer reach the bottom. He looked towards the shore, a soft 'woof' given as an unspoken request for her to join him out here. Kicking his legs and moving his arms in his unison to keep him floating and above the water. Their conversation was pushed to the back of his mind for the moment and he allowed a serene smile to light his face. He enjoyed these times with Lilin- they were few and far between and he would seize this opportunity for closeness.

It seemed she had the right idea, because it took her only a few moments to splash into the water. In her eagerness to reach him, water sprayed everywhere and Saul gave a hearty chuckle. They hadn't really ever had times like these- carefree and playful. Of course, there were things weighing on each of their minds about what was to come, and the past, but for now, the soothing waters of the Grand Lake were working their magic. Lilin managed to reach him and Saul grinned, immediately catching her waist in both hands and pulling her in for a kiss. The unexpected and sudden squirt of water in his face made him freeze, a look of shock on his face that was quickly being surpassed by a grin tugging his muzzle. With a look that said she'd regret her actions, Saul dipped his muzzle down into the water, gathering a mouthful up before moving in for the kill.

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